Joshua's Grin

Joshua's Grin
Wouldn't you enjoy spending the day with this little guy?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Flying Toasters: A Concert in the Park

Last night, Joshua, Mike, and I went to an outdoor concert in the evening. Mike & I love going to events like that - combining our enjoyment of music and the Great Outdoors. Joshua clearly has the same taste as us (thankfully) and really enjoyed jiggling to the groove of the music after savoring the ride in his wagon to get to the park. He added a new skill to his expanding repertoire: kissing! I had a moist chin for much of the time I held him last night at the concert. He is such a jolly and affectionate little guy!

Let’s review some more of his recent firsts: Since last weekend, he has been zipping through the hallway and kitchen in a walker. He relishes the freedom—especially the opportunity to chase Daisy. When Joshua tires of sitting, he scoots around in a circle very easily or backwards until he gets stuck in a corner. He rocks back and forth on his hands and knees as he contemplates crawling. Joshua also pulls himself up to a standing position without any help.

Joshua’s appetite has skyrocketed. He is now eating solid food three times a day, not just nursing. A couple of 3am feedings in a row convinced me it was time to increase his solid food. For two nights, he has slept through the night again. At each meal, he has some grain (usually baby cereal of some kind), fruit, vegetable, and apple juice-sweetened water from a cup he holds by himself. His end-of-meal treat has been a low sodium Ritz cracker that he feeds himself. We offered an animal cracker yesterday, but they are too hard for someone with two teeth. Daisy has loved the new baby feeding routine. It didn’t take long for her to realize that she can have all the cracker bits that fall. New foods include kiwi, plum, white potato, strawberry, carrot (if disguised by banana), chicken, and apple.

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