Joshua's Grin

Joshua's Grin
Wouldn't you enjoy spending the day with this little guy?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fun Visit with Old Friends

One of the great blessings that happened this year, was our friends Devon & Ed moved from Maine to Illinois. So.... not only are they much closer to visit, but we can also see Angel, Tom, Ava, and Quinny when they come to visit! About a week ago, Angel let me know they'd be driving to Illinois & Devon invited us to crash the family visit, too.

Joshua and I drove the three hours to Bloomington, IL yesterday and had a wonderful time. Joshua slept for most of the drive there, which was some kind of miracle. Angel, Devon, and their friend Hanna are so much fun to talk and laugh with. Tom and Ed are always a treat, acting as if they've been close brothers since childhood. Quinny looks much more like a toddler now and is as sweet as ever. Ava is nearly five and charmed Joshua thoroughly. He played with her almost constantly, laughing about her tickling him, chasing her (as she let him keep catching her), snuggling together to play the Dora game, learning how to write letters from her, using a Leap Pad game. Another huge treat was seeing baby Wesley. He's a very happy baby and clearly loved watching the three older kids play as he snuggled with every adult in the house, one at a time. I loved being able to spend time with everyone!

Joshua & I slept at a nearby hotel last night & he was a fun slumber party buddy! He woke up super early because he wanted to play with the kids again as soon as possible. (Notice the time on the clock.) We played in the room first with several cups and an ice bucket. Did you know how much toddlers like those? Then, we played on the hotel's carpeted stairs on the way to the lobby. Next, we went window shopping (I love 24 hours stores). Then, we went swimming at the hotel pool, Joshua took a long bubble bath and played with the cups again, I got ready, we ate breakfast, and headed over to Devon & Ed’s house again. All by 9:30am. I felt like a well-trained Marine.

Joshua & I came home today to be home in time to get Daisy from the boarder. Amazingly, Joshua managed to sleep most of the way again, so the first time wasn't a fluke. He must have the same car-sleeping gene as his Uncle Jeff, who somehow slept for every car trip I remember when we were children. I'm already counting the days until Angel & the kids stop here on Friday on their way back to Maine! I look forward to seeing Devon, Ed, & Wesley more, now that we know we live so close to each other.

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