Joshua's Grin

Joshua's Grin
Wouldn't you enjoy spending the day with this little guy?

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Mother's Day

This was a fantastic day! I woke up, as usual, first. I spent a few minutes reading and doing Bible study, then heard Joshua talking to himself in his crib. He gave me a tight head-hug when I picked him up to hug him and bring him into the living room. After he ate, we played quietly until Mike woke up. (This is our daily routine, by the way.)

When Mike came in, he said that they had some surprises for me, so I needed to sit on the couch. Mike handed Joshua an envelop to hand me. It contained my first Mommy card- complete with red palm print signature! It was so moving. Next came another envelop from Mike that Joshua handed to me. That one contained a beautiful, sentimental card with a very thoughtful gift certificate for a fancy manicure/pedicure! I've never done that before, so having a spa day of pampering was a superb idea. My husband is the sweetest man.

We had a wonderful day, filled with my favorite activities: walking outside together, gardening, singing and playing guitar, going out to eat, reading together, playing on the floor with Joshua, and snuggling. I feel so blessed to be Mike's wife and Joshua's mommy!

1 comment:

Dana & Keith Newbrough said...

So glad it was wonderful - you deserve a special day! Can't wait to see you both on Friday. :)